There is no reality.
There is only what we see.
As we all do not see the same stars.
Nor do we sense the same sun.
As for some the moon is bright, and others just a shadow.
There is no reality to us all, when many see colours, and a few see shapes. Same for those who listen to the lyrics, and those who listen to how they are spoken.
Like adrenaline can be searched by ones or avoided by others.
Nor the sky is blue, for there are infinite number of expressions of light captured differently by each of us. Nor the days or the nights are forever.
Nothing is real. Nothing is more valid. No one is right.
We are not all made of the same star dust. We do not have all the same eyes, nor heart, nor soul, nor mind, nor experience, nor character.
Too many things define us. Too much makes us all unique.
The one reality is the one we know. The one we lived and the one we will.
We make our own reality.
The world is a reflection of us.
All we see is our own world.
The reality we make of ourselves.
29th July 2020