Love is in details.
It hurts. You watch a story, or you listen to a piece of music, and you’re overwhelmed.
What is that? Feeling something I don’t know how to define. Is it passion? Is it weakness? Is it lust? Is it desire?
For some reason your heart breaks, does twists and turns, like if someone grabbed it and crushed it.
Something burns like fire in your stomach, but not a pain that bothers. It’s… intoxicating. Whatever it is, it reaches you so deeply. It is so beautiful. It awakens parts of your soul you didn’t know you had. And it hurts. Though it brings joy and a feeling of fulness beyond what we thought was possible, it can bring sadness, pain, and grief.
Yet… the intimacy. The vulnerability. That glimpse of weakness you can see.
Love is in the details.
The strings in the clouds. The rays of light from the sun. Shining on your every tiny hairs on your now delicate face. My hopeless fingers getting to know your hair, getting to know your curves. Falling in love with your scent. My vision trying to absorb all the nuances of your eyes. Trying to connect with your soul. The emotion coming out of them when I see your smile. The way my hands and eyelashes and heart tremble when you let me know your purest, most vulnerable sides of you. And when you meet mine.
It is in details.
That your body weakens next to mine. For it can not measure what the soul is feeling.
Maybe that’s why it hurts. To the most sensitive souls, a body cannot express love. Nothing of what we imagine is good enough. It all needs to de done the perfect way. Any hug, any kiss, any words of love.
No place, no gift… desperately trying to show my truth.
It is in the details I can show to you.
11th June 2021